Creativity Coursework Using The Artist’s Way

Have you wished you could live creatively, but feel like you can’t get started?

Do you have trouble following through with the learning curve of a creative medium you’ve always wanted to try? 

Perhaps you suspect you have talent but think it’s too late to do anything about it…

Or, perhaps you’ve started down a creative path in life only to end up blocked, l bored, burnt out or no longer inspired …

Maybe there was an earlier version of yourself that felt more liberated and spontaneous that you can’t seem to get back to… Is a more creative version of your life taking up space in your imagination? What would it look like?

This course is designed to give you tools to form creative habits – a powerful mix of discipline, self-care and connection that will feed the desire for a purpose-filled life.

“Without The Artist’s Way there would have been no Eat, Pray, Love.”

~ Elizabeth Gilbert

Creative Growth Stories

John’s willingness to share so much of himself and his research is evident in all the lectures and classes I have taken with him.  They can be challenging but are rich in meaning, fascinatingly varied and always brain candy for the heart and soul.”
– Jane

… John, like most teachers, encouraged and built upon my work, but beyond that activated a creative energy that has been immense in my practice. He always has a story, a reference, or a new direction to inspire you, and a poetic way of expressing it.
– Rico

John’s insightful feedback and encouragement were invaluable, helping me grow as an artist. He pushed me beyond my comfort zone, allowing me to realize new levels of creativity in my work. 
– Adrienne